About me..

From a young age it had been clear to many people my heart belong to working with animals, I loved them all but particularly dogs. I’ve always been around dogs and I really found my love for behaviour & training after studying Animal Management at Sparsholt College. However, it wasn’t until my crazy Golden Retriever Maggie came along that I knew I needed to develop my knowledge and add to my own personal toolbox of solutions/ideas. She wasn’t the typically soppy, sweet loving Golden Retriever we had hoped for, she was a handful to say the least. She was full of energy, she would lunge at any person or dog insight to ‘Say Hi’, she found mouthing me and using me as a chew toy so much fun and overall we had a poor relationship.

She taught me that dog training really isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ and what may work for one dog may not work for another but I will always be grateful for everything her craziness has taught me. Unfortunately Maggie has been diagnosed with a chronic illness and therefore will be spending her life as a pet dog joining my pack walks and being my occasional stooge dog for sessions.

  • Level 3 Extended Diploma in Animal Management

  • K9 First Aid Trained

  • 5 Years Working in a Doggy Daycare

  • 2 Years owning PS K9

  • Phoenix K9 6 Month Mentorship

  • Phoenix K9 Reactivity Seminar

  • Tom Davis Seminar

  • Chiltern K9 Gundog Workshop

  • Jo-Rosie Haffenden Dog Club Membership

  • Raven K9 Membership

  • Michael Ellis School for Dog Trainers

  • Joe Cinnante Webinar

  • Jo-Rosie Haffenden Webinar

  • Dogs with Jas Webinar

Qualifications & CPD